AsSalaamu Alaikum,

For the month of Ramadan, following are the guidelines for attending Taraweeh prayers at ICB. We ask everyone to follow these guidelines in order for a smooth operation of the masjid.

    • All 5 daily prayers, Taraweeh and Jumma prayers will be offered as per the limited capacity of the masjid.
    • There will be a daily Ramadan Webcast at 5:45 pm by Imam Shakeel Rahman
    • Please follow all current state guidelines of social distancing and mask wearing at all times while you are in the masjid.
    • There will be NO arrangement for Sohoor, Iftar or Dinner in the masjid.
    • Taraweeh prayers will be offered with a same set up as Jumma prayers.
    • There will be no advance reservation system.
    • Attendees will be issued a ticket at the front gate 30 minutes prior to Iqama (Isha) time everyday.
    • Entry will be on “First come, first served” based.
    • Once the capacity is reached, no one will be allowed in the building. No overcrowding will be allowed.
    • Strictly NO admittance of young children.
    • Due to limited capacity, there is no arrangement for Sisters during Taraweeh prayers
    • For your safety, bring your own clean prayer mat.
    • Perform your Wudu/ablution at home. ICB restrooms facilities will be open with limited capacity.
    • Please follow instructions given by assigned volunteers.

May Allah (SWT) allow us to see Ramadan and make it a blessed month for everyone.

Jazakallah Khair
ICB Management